Some feel that individuals should have the right to strike in all jobs while others feel there are exceptions. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


  1. Industrial action - A form of protest undertaken by workers, usually in the form of a strike or a work-to-rule campaign, to demand better working conditions or wages.
  2. Collective bargaining - Negotiations between employers and trade unions to reach a mutually acceptable agreement on issues such as pay and working conditions.
  3. Disruption - The act of causing disturbance or interruption to the normal functioning of a business or service.
  4. Productivity - The efficiency of a worker or a company in terms of producing goods or services.
  5. Legitimate - Acceptable or lawful in the eyes of the law or society.
  6. Arbitration - The process of resolving a dispute by submitting it to a neutral third party who makes a binding decision.
  7. Unforeseen circumstances - Unanticipated events or situations that may affect the normal functioning of a business or service.

List of Ideas:

Advantages of the right to strike:

  1. Provides a powerful tool for workers to negotiate better working conditions, wages, and benefits.
  2. Encourages collective bargaining and helps to establish fair employment practices.
  3. Can be a useful mechanism for workers to voice their concerns and hold employers accountable.

Disadvantages of the right to strike:

  1. Disrupts the normal functioning of businesses and services, causing inconvenience and financial loss.
  2. May lead to a breakdown in negotiations and souring of relations between workers and employers.
  3. Can be misused by some workers to further their own personal agendas, at the expense of others.

Exceptions to the right to strike:

  1. In essential services such as healthcare, law enforcement, and public transport, where disruptions can have serious consequences on public safety and welfare.
  2. In cases of national emergencies or unforeseen circumstances where the normal functioning of essential services needs to be maintained.

IELTS Essay:

The right to strike has been a contentious issue for many years, with some arguing that it is an essential tool for workers to negotiate better working conditions, while others believe that it can lead to disruptions and breakdowns in negotiations. Personally, I believe there can exceptions to situations when workers are allowed to go on strike. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and provide our own opinion.

On the one hand, the right to strike provides workers with a powerful tool to negotiate better wages, working conditions, and benefits. This can be particularly important in industries where there is a power imbalance between workers and employers, and where collective bargaining can help to establish fair employment practices. Additionally, the ability to strike can be a useful mechanism for workers to voice their concerns and hold employers accountable for their actions.

On the other hand, the right to strike can have serious consequences for businesses and services, causing disruptions and financial losses. It can also lead to a breakdown in negotiations and souring of relations between workers and employers, ultimately harming both parties. Furthermore, the right to strike can be misused by some workers to further their own personal agendas, at the expense of others.

In light of these factors, I believe that while the right to strike is a legitimate means of negotiation, there should be exceptions in certain cases. For example, in essential services such as healthcare, law enforcement, and public transport, where disruptions can have serious consequences on public safety and welfare, the right to strike should be restricted. Similarly, in cases of national emergencies or unforeseen circumstances where the normal functioning of essential services needs to be maintained, workers should not have the right to strike.

In conclusion, while the right to strike is an important tool for workers, it should be exercised with caution and consideration for the consequences. Exceptions to the right to strike should be made in certain cases to ensure that essential services are not disrupted and public safety and welfare are not compromised.


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