These days many people leave their country to work abroad and take their family with them.Do you think benefits of this outweigh disadvantages in terms of family development?

 These days many people leave their country to work abroad and take their family with them.Do you think benefits of this outweigh disadvantages in terms of family development?


  1. Expatriate (noun): A person who lives outside their native country, often for work or other reasons.

    • Many expatriates move abroad to pursue better career opportunities.
  2. Diaspora (noun): The dispersion or scattering of people from their original homeland to other parts of the world.

    • The Indian diaspora has made significant contributions to the economies of many countries.
  3. Cultural assimilation (noun): The process by which individuals or groups adopt the culture of another society.

    • When families move abroad, cultural assimilation becomes an important aspect of their lives.
  4. Global mobility (noun): The ability to move and work across different countries and regions.

    • Increased global mobility has led to greater cultural diversity in many cities.
  5. Geographical separation (noun): Physical distance between family members living in different locations.

    • Geographical separation can pose challenges to family communication and cohesion.
  6. Socioeconomic prospects (noun): Opportunities for advancement and success in terms of both social and economic aspects.

    • Moving abroad often provides individuals with improved socioeconomic prospects.
  7. Quality of life (noun phrase): The general well-being and living conditions experienced by individuals or communities.

    • Many people seek better quality of life by moving their families abroad.
  8. Parental guidance (noun phrase): Support, advice, and supervision provided by parents to their children.

    • Maintaining strong parental guidance can be challenging when families live abroad.
  9. Cultural diversity (noun phrase): The presence of multiple cultural groups within a society.

    • Living abroad exposes families to different cultural practices and promotes cultural diversity.
  10. Intercultural competence (noun phrase): The ability to communicate and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.

    • Living abroad enhances intercultural competence in both adults and children.
  11. Educational opportunities (noun phrase): Access to quality education and academic programs.

    • Moving abroad may provide children with enhanced educational opportunities.
  12. Transnational identity (noun phrase): A sense of belonging and identity that transcends national boundaries.

    • Families living abroad often develop a transnational identity, incorporating aspects of their home and host cultures.


  1. Outweigh the disadvantages: The advantages are greater in comparison to the drawbacks.

    • The benefits of working abroad with one's family can often outweigh the disadvantages.
  2. Pursue better career opportunities: Seek improved professional prospects.

    • Many individuals move abroad to pursue better career opportunities for themselves and their families.
  3. Pose challenges: Present difficulties or problems.

    • Geographical separation can pose significant challenges for families in terms of maintaining close relationships.
  4. Promote cultural diversity: Encourage the existence and celebration of different cultures.

    • Living abroad can promote cultural diversity by exposing families to new customs and traditions.
  5. Enhance educational opportunities: Improve access to better educational resources.

    • Moving abroad can enhance educational opportunities for children, allowing them to attend prestigious schools or universities.
  6. Maintain strong parental guidance: Sustain a high level of support and supervision from parents.

    • It can be challenging to maintain strong parental guidance when families are living in a different country.
  7. Develop a transnational identity: Form an identity that transcends national borders.

    • Families living abroad often develop a unique transnational identity, blending elements from their home and host cultures.

Remember to use these vocabulary words and collocations appropriately and effectively in your essay to showcase your language proficiency and enhance your argumentation.

Sample essay:

In today's interconnected world, an increasing number of individuals are opting to leave their home countries and pursue employment abroad, often accompanied by their families. This phenomenon raises the question of whether the benefits of such a decision outweigh the potential drawbacks in terms of family development. This essay will delve into the profound implications of international work opportunities on family dynamics, considering the advantages that arise from exposure to diverse cultures, improved socioeconomic prospects, enhanced educational opportunities for children, and the role of technology in mitigating challenges of geographical separation.

One of the most significant advantages of relocating abroad for work is the exposure to diverse cultures, which has a transformative effect on family development. By immersing themselves in different cultural practices, values, and traditions, families gain a broader perspective and develop intercultural competence. This exposure fosters open-mindedness, tolerance, and empathy, allowing family members to appreciate the richness and diversity of the global community. For instance, families living in cosmopolitan cities like New York or Sydney encounter individuals from various backgrounds, engage in multicultural celebrations, and expand their horizons through meaningful cross-cultural interactions.

Moving abroad for work often translates into improved socioeconomic prospects, which significantly contribute to family development. Access to better job opportunities, higher salaries, and enhanced living standards provides families with economic stability and financial security. Consequently, this improved quality of life facilitates a nurturing environment for personal growth and well-being. For example, professionals who migrate to countries like Canada or Singapore find themselves in flourishing industries that offer abundant career prospects and substantial remuneration. The resulting economic empowerment enables families to access superior healthcare, education, and recreational facilities, enhancing their overall welfare.

Relocating abroad can provide children with unparalleled educational advantages, paving the way for their holistic development. By immersing themselves in multicultural environments and diverse educational systems, children acquire a global perspective and valuable skills. Exposure to different languages, teaching methodologies, and cultural perspectives equips them with the tools to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. For instance, families moving to countries such as Germany or Japan afford their children the opportunity to attend local schools, where they acquire language fluency, cross-cultural understanding, and adaptability. These experiences broaden their academic horizons and enhance their future career prospects.

While geographical separation poses challenges to families living abroad, technological advancements have played a pivotal role in mitigating these difficulties. The advent of communication technologies like video calling applications and social media platforms has revolutionized family interactions. These tools enable families to maintain regular contact, engage in face-to-face conversations, and share experiences despite the physical distance. For instance, platforms such as Skype and WhatsApp facilitate real-time communication, allowing family members to bridge the geographical gap and sustain emotional connections. Although physical presence is preferable, these technological solutions have proven invaluable in minimizing the negative effects of geographical separation.

In conclusion, the decision to relocate abroad for work, accompanied by one's family, offers numerous benefits that outweigh the potential drawbacks in terms of family development. Exposure to diverse cultures nurtures open-mindedness and tolerance, while improved socioeconomic prospects lead to a higher quality of life. Moreover, children gain valuable educational advantages that shape their global outlook and future success. Although geographical separation poses challenges, advancements in technology have significantly mitigated these issues. Therefore, embracing international work opportunities with one's family not only enriches their lives but also fosters personal and cultural growth, making it a transformative choice for family development in the modern era.


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