Some people believe that car-free days are effective ways to reduce air pollution. However, others argue that there are other ways that are more effective. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that car-free days are effective ways to reduce air pollution. However, others argue that there are other ways that are more effective. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Sample answer:

Reducing air pollution stemming from vehicle emissions has become a critical concern in contemporary society over the past few decades. While some advocate for the efficacy of measures such as car-free days, others contend that more impactful alternatives exist. While I acknowledge the potential of car-free days as a viable solution, I firmly believe that exploring more effective long-term strategies is imperative.

Car-free days have been implemented in various countries, including France, Iceland, and the United Kingdom, under governmental initiatives. An illustrative case is Israel, where annual traffic cessation during the religious holiday Yom Kippur led to an impressive over 20-fold reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions. Despite its success, this approach appears to offer only a short-term respite from vehicle emissions.

Many argue that society must invest in long-term solutions to mitigate air pollution caused by greenhouse gases. Notably, the adoption of electric vehicles, exemplified by Tesla cars, stands out as a more enduring solution. In response to escalating concerns about air pollution, the government of California, USA, initiated a support program incentivizing the purchase of electric cars through reduced car taxes. Subsequent air quality research demonstrated a remarkable 33% decline in carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide emissions from vehicles in 2018 compared to the previous year.

In conclusion, while employing various methods like car-free days and alternative transport options is essential in the short term, prioritizing long-term solutions is paramount for effectively addressing air pollution. Embracing advancements such as electric vehicles and consistently developing existing technologies should be the focus, ensuring sustained progress rather than relying solely on temporary measures.

Sample answer 2:

The ongoing discourse surrounding the effectiveness of car-free days in combating the pressing issue of climate change elicits diverse viewpoints. While a substantial segment of the population deems that car-free days not only reduce the amount of greenhouse gases but also significantly elevate public awareness about climate change, others contend that more substantial global actions are required to prevent further environmental deterioration. In my considered opinion, the efficacy of car-free days in the context of addressing climate change is somewhat overrated, given the continuous development of innovative technologies, such as platinum catalysts, high-standard oil, and carbon dioxide catchers.

On the affirmative side, it is noteworthy that car-free days play a crucial role in immensely increasing public awareness about air pollution on a global scale. Moreover, beyond the awareness factor, these days have the potential to tangibly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide injected into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to the improvement of the ecological situation in a given area. For instance, delving into the history of car-free days reveals a notable 3.8 million-ton reduction in emissions during the last such event in Beijing, China.

Conversely, one cannot dismiss the argument that a 3.8 million-ton reduction in emissions is merely a drop in the ocean compared to the overall environmental harm caused by exhaust emissions. In the contemporary era, numerous technologies have been developed to address current environmental issues without adversely impacting the economy. For example, the implementation of catalyzers in the exhaust system, a novel technological approach, allows for a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1.5 times, showcasing a level of efficiency surpassing that of car-free days.

In summary, despite the fact that car-free days may be perceived as less efficient than the development of new technologies, governments worldwide should persist in implementing and expanding such practices. The undeniable impact on public consciousness resulting from car-free days, coupled with a continuous surge in awareness, remains one of the most effective strategies to combat the global problem of climate change. Nevertheless, it is imperative to concurrently invest in and prioritize the development of advanced technologies that can bring about more substantial and lasting changes in our environmental landscape.


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