
Сообщения за февраль, 2024

The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

  The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. Sample answer 1: The provided bar chart delineates the modes of transportation utilized for commuting to and from work in a specific European city across three distinct years: 1960, 1980, and 2000. Overall, it is evident that while the usage of cars notably escalated throughout the depicted period, the percentages associated with the remaining three modes of transport experienced a contrasting decline. Furthermore, the once-prevalent walking, which held the highest percentage in the initial year examined, was superseded by bus ridership two decades later, ultimately relinquishing its lead to car commuting by the final year of observation. Commencing with car usage, which started at a mere 7%, the proportion of commuters opting for cars surged to a quarter of all travelers, subsequently escalating to a substantial 37% by the final year—an unprecedented pe

Young people are often influenced in their behavious by others in the same age group. Some argue that peer pressure is important while others feel it has distinct disadvantages. Do the advantages of peer pressure outweigh the advantages.

 Young people are often influenced in their behavious by others in the same age group. Some argue that peer pressure is important while others feel it has distinct disadvantages. Do the advantages of peer pressure outweigh the advantages. Vocabulary: Young people = Adolescents = Teenagers = Juveniles = Minors = Young individuals = Youngsters = Teens = Young adults = Juniors peers = companions = associates = coevals = counterparts Sample answer 1: Young people are often influenced by their peers, sparking debates over whether this pressure is beneficial or detrimental. Personally, I align with those who argue that the drawbacks of peer pressure overshadow any perceived benefits. In the ensuing discussion, I will provide compelling evidence to support this viewpoint. While some argue that peer pressure fosters positive socialization and skill development, the prevalence of negative behaviors induced by it casts a shadow over these supposed advantages. Undeniably, peer interaction

The chart shows the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed when they took their driving test between 1980 and 2010.

  The chart shows the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed when they took their driving test between 1980 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Do you want to learn to write like this? Join our Online IELTS Step-by-step Preparation club - here Sample answer:  The provided bar chart illustrates the progression of male and female candidates who successfully passed their driving test across four distinct years: 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010, within a particular Asian nation. Overall, both genders witnessed an upward trajectory in passing rates over the considered period. However, while women consistently outperformed men in terms of pass rates, the growth rate among male candidates exhibited a proportionally more pronounced increase. As for the female cohort , their success rate burgeoned from slightly below fifty percent in the initial decade to marginally surpassing the fifty percen

Large companies should provide sports and social facilities to the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Large companies should provide sports and social facilities to the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample essay 1: In contemporary society, the responsibility for enhancing local living conditions often falls on large corporations rather than solely on governmental initiatives. While this shift might alleviate certain burdens on local authorities, it engenders a debate about the extent of obligation corporations hold towards the communities they operate within. This essay unequivocally supports the notion that large companies should provide sports and social facilities to the local community, albeit acknowledging potential challenges. Primarily, the operations of major corporations can inadvertently contribute to environmental degradation and urban congestion, which consequently diminishes the quality of life for residents. The influx of employees commuting to work exacerbates traffic congestion, while industrial activities may result in air and nois

IELTS General Writing task 1 letter. Letter to a colleague after attending a conference

  You recently attended a business conference where the future of retail was discussed. Write a letter to a colleague summarizing the key points of the discussion. In your letter, you should: Explain the context of the business conference and your role in it. Highlight the main topics discussed, including trends in retail, the impact of economic factors such as boom or recession, and the importance of skilled workers. Share your thoughts on how these insights could be applied to your own business or industry. Sample letter 1: Dear Carino Alegria, I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to share insights from a recent business conference I had the privilege to attend, which delved into the future of retail—a subject particularly pertinent to our interests given your enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and my own aspirations in the field. The conference, which I attended courtesy of our team lead who generously provided me with a pass, was a captivating

Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Sample answer: The issue of combating crime remains perennially relevant, yet in contemporary times, it has become increasingly contentious . While some advocate for the adequacy of governmental measures in addressing criminal activity, others propose delving into the underlying causes of wrongdoing to prevent its occurrence . I unequivocally align myself with the latter camp , advocating for a preventive approach aimed at reducing future crime incidents . In this essay, I will examine both perspectives, elucidating the rationale behind my endorsement of preventative strategies. Undoubtedly, governments and judicial systems possess extensive experience in addressing misdeeds through the imposition of a wide array of punishments, ranging from rehabilitative measures to custodial sentences and, in exceptiona

For a long time art has been considered an essential part of all cultures in the world. However, nowadays people’s values have changed, and we tend to consider science, technology and business more important than arts. What do you think are the causes of this? What can be done to draw people’s attention to art?

  For a long time art has been considered an essential part of all cultures in the world. However, nowadays people’s values have changed, and we tend to consider science, technology and business more important than arts. What do you think are the causes of this? What can be done to draw people’s attention to art? Sample answer 1: The discourse surrounding the role of arts in contemporary human development is  multifaceted  and prompts diverse perspectives. While some argue that traditional arts have been  overshadowed  by the  ascendancy  of science, technology, and business as paramount cultural forces, others  assert  that art  remains an indispensable conduit of human expression . This essay will  delve  into the  ramifications  of technological evolution on the appeal of traditional arts and  proffer  solutions to  reignite  public interest in artistic  endeavors . Historically, paintings and artworks have commanded public attention, serving as enduring symbols of cultural identity

IELTS General Writing task 1 letter. You recently completed a painting course at an arts college

  You recently completed a painting course at an arts college The course asked you to write a feedback about the course You need to write a letter to the course director - what you liked about the course - how much painting you completed outside college - suggest another course you would like to attend in the college Sample answer 1: Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my utmost gratitude for the enriching experience I had as a participant in the "Advanced Painting Techniques" course at your esteemed arts college. First and foremost, I must commend the captivating curriculum of the course. The meticulously designed program not only equipped me with advanced painting skills but also deepened my understanding of artistic concepts and techniques. Through engaging lectures and hands-on workshops , I gained invaluable insights into various painting styles and the creative process. For instance, the sessions on color theory and composition challenged me to push the bound

Many animal creatures are becoming extinct because of human activities. Why is this happening and what things should be done to prevent it?

 Many animal creatures are becoming extinct because of human activities. Why is this happening and what things should be done to prevent it? Sample answer: The escalation of human activities and technological advancements has precipitated a surge in the depletion of natural resources, resulting in a devastating impact on biodiversity. This essay aims to elucidate the causes behind the extinction of animal species due to human actions and proposes comprehensive strategies to mitigate these pressing circumstances. To commence, the relentless expansion of urban areas and the burgeoning real estate industry deploy tools that contribute to widespread deforestation and soil erosion. As a consequence, an extensive number of animals lose their habitats, compelling them to relocate to unfamiliar areas. For instance, an alarming case reported by the Financial Times highlights the extensive animal displacement caused by construction development in the United Arab Emirates. Furthermore,

IELTS letter: You have heard that a developer plans to build a shopping centre near your home.

  You have heard that a developer plans to build a shopping centre near your home. Write a letter to the council. In your letter say how you heard about the plan explain how you feel about it ask for more information about it Grammar: is going to be built /constructed/erected Having studied the plan carefully, I realized that not only is it likely to make the place overcrowded and, consequently, cause pollution, but it is also bound to spoil the atmosphere of a green spot in our city, where people tend to get back to nature after a hard working day. it would be appreciated if you could send me any documents concerning/regarding the issue Ideas: blocking the scenery of the riverside (with/without) citizens interests in mind problems with traffic (traffic congestion, exhaust fumes) environmental issues How you feel: I am disappointed I am absolutely unsupportive Sentence starters:

It has been suggested that in the not-too-distant future people will take their holidays on the moon. How realistic do you think this is? What type of holiday do you think people will take in the future?

  It has been suggested that in the not-too-distant future people will take their holidays on the moon. How realistic do you think this is? What type of holiday do you think people will take in the future? Sample answer: In the realm of futuristic possibilities, the notion that individuals might leisurely vacation on the moon has been posited . I contend vehemently that this captivating concept, while intriguing, is unlikely to materialize routinely due to the exorbitant costs associated with the production and operation of such activities, both on Earth and especially in space. Furthermore, I envision a trajectory for humanity's development in the space industry that prioritizes practical applications over entertainment-focused space flights. While it is conceivable that a select group of affluent individuals may have the privilege of experiencing a lunar sojourn for entertainment and retreat purposes, the prohibitive costs of spacecraft construction and operation will l

IELTS Letter: You recently watched a documentary on space exploration and extraterrestrial life

You recently watched a documentary on space exploration and extraterrestrial life, and you are writing a letter to your friend to share your thoughts about the topic. In your letter: - Explain what the documentary was about and what you found most fascinating. - Share your views on the potential for human exploration of space and the existence of extraterrestrial life. - Ask for your friend's opinion on the matter and whether they would like to join you for a space-related event in the future. Informal letter: Hey Mike, Hope you're doing awesome! Just wanted to share the lowdown on this mind-blowing space documentary I caught last night. It dived deep into NASA's groundbreaking findings, and what blew my mind was the discovery of dimethyl sulfide, a dead giveaway of living organisms. Apparently, it's usually produced by phytoplankton in Earth's oceans, rivers, and lakes. Imagine, man! That's like finding a cosmic fingerprint of extraterrestrial life. It go